Okay, Olivia passed this video along to me with the accompanying explanation, "These 2 went to high school with Billy and me and now they're getting married....this video is him rapping about it....I'm dying..." I think it will be infinitely funnier to you because you actually know the artist of this video, but, even as a complete stranger, I could still really appreciate it. The aahhhh-ing in the background combined with the incredible lyrics ("She was his trash, but now she's my treasure. When she walks in the room, I get instant pleasure.") really makes for a killer wedding announcement...
On a related note, where can I find a man that will rap about me?
Elder Billy Hagee is currently serving a two year mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. He is serving in the Ukraine Dnepropetrovsk Mission and speaking Russian.
UPDATE - Billy's home! He successfully completed a full-time honorable mission. We're so proud!
What This Blog Is All About
Elder Hagee is probably one of the funniest people you will ever meet. While his sisters are thrilled that he is serving a mission, they really miss him and his ability to make them laugh. They also miss his input in the exchange of SNL and video clips, music, websites and funny stories that are often facebooked, emailed, texted and otherwise shared between the four of them. In effort to keep that tradition alive while allowing Elder Hagee to focus solely on the mission, his sisters created this blog to document all the stuff they would have shared with him had he been home. They look forward to the day when they'll actually get to share it all with him. UPDATE - Billy loved his blog! We're still posting, though, because it's the easiest way to share with each other.
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