
Wednesday, September 28, 2011

The Sing-Off

So apparently this show has been on for two seasons already, but Garrett and I just started watching it. Pretty much we are obsessed with it. It's all accapella groups competing and they are all really, really good. Plus BYU's Vocal Point is one of the groups (but they aren't my fave). These are my three favorite songs so far, and they were AH-mazing so I felt that I needed to share them with you.

Hate the outfits, love the song.

Main girl has an amazing voice, plus she's Mormon. Coincidence?

Lead sing is awesome, just like their outfits.

When you and Hannah are back in Provs for school you have to come over to watch this with us. I'll make dinner, most likely a chicken dish, and after we'll practice our own accapella songs so we can audish. Gar is the bass, you are the tenor, Hannah and I split the girl parts and Jack is the beat boxer. Duh.


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