
Sunday, April 1, 2012


Okay, Billy, I think I am the most excited about this tumblr.  It's called #whatshouldwecallme, and it's a collection of GIFS that the tumblr author has used to explain situations in her life.  The tumblr is rapidly growing in popularity - I've been seeing it pop up on my newsfeed, and it was recently promoted on a widely-read lifestyle blog.  (I included that fact to add credibility to this post, so you know that people other than me find it funny.)  It's one of those things that is so hilarious because it's so true.  Julia and I both read the entire thing, both laughed out loud at multiple posts, and both would exclaim with frequency, "This is so YOU!" or "This one is ME!"  It helps that the author is clearly a female law student...

Here are a few favsies:

 In elementary school:

  In high school:

In law school:

I'm just like:



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