
Friday, March 2, 2012

Two Short Videos Perfect for Sanity-Saving Breaks in the Law Library

Hola. I am spending the first weekend of my Spring Break holed up in the library doing my journal tryout. It is a freaking marathon of work, and it is a-w-f-u-l.  Seriously, though, the instructions emailed to us told us that we are not to collaborate with anyone else on this tryout because "this is meant to be a solitary, miserable experience." I'm not even kidding - that is a direct quote!  Anyway, I'm trying to be really efficient with my time, so I'm not even really allowing myself breaks (I'm writing this post during my self-allotted thirty minutes for dinner). These two videos, however, are less than thirty seconds each, and they are hilariously funny. They're perfect for those times when you can't justify a break, but you really, really need to laugh.

Watch the little guy.  He just goes right down. 

P.S.  You showed me this video, so I'm not posting it here, but it fits in this category as well.


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