
Tuesday, March 29, 2011

I'm going through this phase where I'm obsessed with videos starring kids.

That video Brooke posted a few weeks ago where Zach Galifiankis interviews kids to be his assistant made me laugh until I couldn't breathe.  I don't know if my biological clock is going crazy now that I'm a few weeks shy of being 25 1/2 or if these videos are legitimately funny, but any youtube video starring a baby or kid are the funniest to me.  These are a few I've enjoyed recently:

Ballet is super hard.  Also, this little girl reminds me of Brooke.  I mean, it could be her!

Oh, and you missed the Super Bowl commercials. This is the best one. It, of course, stars a kid. I LOVE it!

P.S. Of course, my all-time favorite is still Kittens Inspired by Kittens.


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