Monday, August 5, 2013
When SISTER Hagee Come Homes
Us Hagee's have sent another missionary out into the world. Remember Hannah from such posts as Gold Digger and Sh*t People Say? Well, now she's Sister Hagee. For the next eighteen months, our girl is speaking Tagalog and serving the Lord in the Philippines Laoag Mission. On the homefront, we're keeping with tradition and collecting all the things we would have shared with her on a brand new blog - When Sister Hagee Comes Home.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012
I almost forgot that Christmas is coming!
This video made me feel good. That's HUGE in the middle of law school finals.
"And she was like, 'Oh my gosh I'm going to have the Son of God.' And then she was like, 'I can't! I'm not married and stuff!'"
"And she was like, 'Oh my gosh I'm going to have the Son of God.' And then she was like, 'I can't! I'm not married and stuff!'"
Also, I love the sheep.
And the star.
And the star.

Monday, November 19, 2012
Talking Song Lyrics
You guys these are seriously, seriously, amazing. I wish that we were all together right now so we could watch these and laugh together (mostly because I think they would make Dad laugh and when Dad laughs everyone laughs harder). Ellen basically describes the videos so I won't but I DARE you to try and not laugh out loud.
You're welcome.
You're welcome.

Friday, November 16, 2012
Mister Rogers Remixed
This is going to creep Dad out.
"Did you ever see a cat's eeeeyes in the dark..."
Also, the musical interlude at 2:06

Sunday, November 4, 2012
Fairy Tales for Twentysomethings
I realize Billy is home, but I found a tumblr that I want to show the whole family. I didn't want to facebook it because Mom isn't even on facebook and because facebook feels too public. I realize my publicity reason isn't totally rational since this is a public blog, but, let's be real here, there's a seriously limited audience viewing this thing, which is fine by me. I guess I could email it, but I prefer this forum for sharing tumblrs and youtubes and such, so...
You guys, Julia found a tumblr called Fairy Tales for Twentysomethings, and I think it's seriously funny, mostly because I relate to it on a personal level and also because I feel a sense of nostalgia with anything fairy tale related. That's basically a recipe for success in my book - relatable humor with a hint of nostalgia. Wes Anderson followed that recipe in Moonrise Kingdom and that's why it's everyone's favorite. Anyway, here are a few examples of fairly tales for twentysomethings:

Chicken Little feared the sky was falling. She also feared losing her job without explanation, getting told off by her best friend, and the gynecologist.
Thumbelina never got much bigger but she did get her own reality TV show, so that’s cool.

the ugly duckling read obscure works of literature in other languages and listened to indie music even the guys in the record store had never heard of. if i’m not going to be prettier than anyone, she thought, i’m at least going to be better than them.

aladdin messed it up with jasmine and she kicked him back onto the street.
after a few months he decided to win her back, show her he’d grown up, he was the man she always wanted him to be now. he wanted to show her how brave he was, how he wasn’t scared of emotions anymore, he could even, one day, be a father to their children.
so he texted her: “hey, what’s up?”

Peter Pan was sitting by the river, questioning his choice to never grow old. All my friends are getting engaged now, and some are having kids, he thought. I don’t even have a steady job.

rapunzel cut her hair short and gave the rest to locks for love and everyone on facebook liked her new profile photo. it made her feel good for a minute but then she was like, wait, did nobody like my long hair and they just weren’t telling me?
You guys, Julia found a tumblr called Fairy Tales for Twentysomethings, and I think it's seriously funny, mostly because I relate to it on a personal level and also because I feel a sense of nostalgia with anything fairy tale related. That's basically a recipe for success in my book - relatable humor with a hint of nostalgia. Wes Anderson followed that recipe in Moonrise Kingdom and that's why it's everyone's favorite. Anyway, here are a few examples of fairly tales for twentysomethings:
Peter Pan was feeling like his constant connection to the Internet and social networking sites was having a bad effect on his psyche, so he decided to disconnect and get back to the things he did pre-Internet, really live his life again.
That night, he watched TV for five hours straight.

Chicken Little feared the sky was falling. She also feared losing her job without explanation, getting told off by her best friend, and the gynecologist.

Thumbelina never got much bigger but she did get her own reality TV show, so that’s cool.

the ugly duckling read obscure works of literature in other languages and listened to indie music even the guys in the record store had never heard of. if i’m not going to be prettier than anyone, she thought, i’m at least going to be better than them.

aladdin messed it up with jasmine and she kicked him back onto the street.
after a few months he decided to win her back, show her he’d grown up, he was the man she always wanted him to be now. he wanted to show her how brave he was, how he wasn’t scared of emotions anymore, he could even, one day, be a father to their children.
so he texted her: “hey, what’s up?”

Peter Pan was sitting by the river, questioning his choice to never grow old. All my friends are getting engaged now, and some are having kids, he thought. I don’t even have a steady job.

rapunzel cut her hair short and gave the rest to locks for love and everyone on facebook liked her new profile photo. it made her feel good for a minute but then she was like, wait, did nobody like my long hair and they just weren’t telling me?

Monday, July 9, 2012
Beauty and the Beat
Ashley, Doug and I laughed so hard at this video. Apparently, I love spins on this song. Plus, this version has guest appearances from a few of our favorites - GloZell, Antoine Dobson and Sweet Brown.

P.S. You'll be home in three days. We are SO excited to finally show you this blog. Hannah and I were talking about it the other day, and we can't believe we created it two years ago!
"Cause she look a crusty mess!"
"Right from the moment I had met you seent you, I said you bangin and I fell."
"She thank she in a fury tale."

P.S. You'll be home in three days. We are SO excited to finally show you this blog. Hannah and I were talking about it the other day, and we can't believe we created it two years ago!
Sunday, June 17, 2012
Crafting With Cat Hair
Well, I've found the grossest book ever written - Crafting with Cat Hair. I'm sad to say the title is not a joke. Let me quote from the preface: "If you're like me, you've noticed that a lot of hair comes off when you brush your cat. . . . And so, with all this extra cat hair around the house, I had a thought. If I collected all this cat hair, I could make felt out of it." I'm going to out a limb here and say that's not a normal thought. Let's do these crafts together when you get home, k?

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